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to walk out
出去溜达  detail>>
walk it out
把它带走  detail>>
walk out
把带出 罢工 走出;把(某人)带出  detail>>
walk out on
丢开不管  detail>>
get uand walk out
起来到外面去  detail>>
go out for a walk
出去散步 外出散步  detail>>
going out for a walk
出去走走  detail>>
walk me out of here
请将我带离这里吧  detail>>
walk out of a meeting
退出会场  detail>>
walk out on desert
遗弃  detail>>
walk out on sb
突然离开某人, 遗弃某人  detail>>
walk out the bed
追索岩层  detail>>
walk out with sb
同某人恋爱  detail>>
walk stealthily out of the room
蹑手蹑脚走出房间  detail>>
why not go out for a walk
干吗不出去散步  detail>>
everytime i walk out the door
每次当我走出家门的时候  detail>>
go out to walk on the thin ice
出去在薄冰上走  detail>>